Legal and policy environment

The concept of the draft law on spatial data infrastructure

On November 28, 2018, the concept of the draft law on spatial data infrastructure was approved.

Briefly mention the conceptual basis and practical requirements of the draft law:

Legal statement:

Mongolia's long-term development policy document "Vision-2050" approved by Resolution No. 52 of 2020 of the Great Khural of Mongolia, A draft law on Spatial Data Infrastructure has been prepared within the framework of 3.7.2 "E-Mongolia" action of the 2020-2024 action program of the Government of Mongolia.

Practical requirements:

Use of spatial data:

Today, 13 valid laws governing the creation and use of spatial databases in Mongolia have clear regulations on 44 databases in duplicate, however, there is no legal regulation related to the coordination between the funds, the creation of a integrated data and information system for spatial representation, and the integration of spatial data. Because of this, each ministry, agency, organization, and project unit has been building a spatial database /geographical database/ at different levels and in different ways. For example:

  • - Information and computing centers under the Ministry of Environment, Department of Water, Department of Forestry, Department of Water, Meteorology and Environmental Analysis, and international projects for nature protection /there are many projects/;
  • - Ministries, departments and international projects operating in the field of food and agriculture;
  • - Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Department of Mineral Resources, Department of Petroleum, information center, World Bank project;
  • - Ministries, road departments, transport departments, land relations, construction, geodesy, cartography departments operating in the field of roads, transport, construction, and urban development /National Land Information System/, international projects;
  • - Relevant departments and offices of the capital city governor's office / Building and urban development office, Land office/ etc.

By creating and using them in accordance with unified standards to ensure their coordination and connection, duplication of budgets, innovation and reliability of information will be ensured.

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