Urban Development Cadastre division
Maintain urban cadastre in cities and towns, organize the establishment of a unified state system, develop and enforce norms, rules, regulations, instructions, methodologies and standards, compile urban cadastre information, create, maintain, and implementthe database and provide services to implement integrated management of operations.
Main functions:
- To establish and operate a unified state urban cadastre system, and to organize the management of urban development cadastre in cities and settlements;
- Establish,maintainanddevelop a unified state databasefor urban development with information on geodesy, topography, cartography, land ecology, engineering-geology, seismicity, hydrogeology, urban development and land, construction, engineering, transportation and social infrastructure, and landscaping, provide services and cooperate with other organizations;
- Create a database of general population and settlement development projects, regional, tourism, infrastructure projects, and planning documents for all stages of urban development, and provide information to users;
- Develop, approve, promote, implement legal, norm and normative documents related to urban development cadastre and database, study and introduce advanced and new techniques and technologies;
- Monitor and evaluate urban development activities and include the results in the state urban cadastre;
- To train officersand human resources in the sectorof urban cadastre, to build the capacity of local officeheads, specialists, chief architects of aimags, the capital city and cities, and to provide professional and methodological guidance.