Land Cadaster department
To certify real estate, real estate and conditions on the territory of Mongolia on behalf of the state through cadastral measurements, mapping, parcel information, addressing and registration,and establish a comprehensive database of real estate located on the territory, land exchange, valuation, payment and tax system,and to organize the process of providing reliable information under unified management.
Main functions:
- In the whole territory, every land owner, possessor, user citizen, business entity and organization shall be fully included in the state land registry for each land use purpose.To guarantee the right to own, possess and use land on behalf of the state, to include it in finance and registration, to guarantee property, and to create and implement opportunities to put land into economic circulation;
- To maintain the inventory and censusof the Integrated National Land System nationwide, to record and monitor the movement of the Integrated National Land System classification;
- To manage and monitor the activities of the land exchange nationwide;
- Establish land price, valuation, tax and payment systems;
- Organize measures to reduce land disputes;
- Register and confirm the address in the cadastral database;
- To receive, register and review documents related to the issuance, extension and revocation of the license of a professional organization to conduct land cadastre activities, conclude a contract with an authorized legal entity, monitor its activities, issue an assessment, receive reports and maintain a database.