About us
Legal documents
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+976 1900-0101
About us
Land management
Integrated National Land management system
Agriculture area
Towns, villages and other settlements
Road and network area
Forest area
Water area
Special needs area
Land management planning
Conformity assessment
Needs assessment
General National Land Management plan
Land Management General plan of the Aimag and capital city
A year Land Management plan of the Capital city and district
General Soum Development plan
Base research and monitoring
Land condition and quality control
Land monitoring network
Land protection and rehabilitation work
Land cadastre
Land rights registration
Land fees and taxes
Land exchange
Land valuation
State owned lands
Land ownership process
Border line
State border
Border defining function of administrative and territorial units
Boundaries of fourth administrative unit
Border line dispute
Relevant methods and procedures
Land Reform Committee
National Land Reform Committee meeting
Online systems
Land monitoring system
Land Planning system
Geology and environmental database
Land cadastre system
Conducting land management activities
Conducting monitoring of land condition and quality, land reclamation
Conducting cadastral activities
Human resource capacity
Certified engineering degree training
Land manager - Cadastre
Land valuation
Doctors, Professors, Consultants, Certified Engineers
For Citizens
Land for Family needs
Let's pay land fees and taxes
Let's make a cadastral map
My participation
Templates and forms
Urban development
Chief architect of aimags, capital city and cities
Urban development research
Urban redevelopment
Local urban development office
City planning
General city development plan
General Population and Settlement Development Project
Partial general plan
Licensing of urban development documents
Licensing of urban development documents
Integrated National Database for Urban Development
Integrated National Database for Urban Development
Norms and normative documents
Human resource capacity
Doctors, Professors, Consultants, Certified Engineers
Doctors, Professors, Consultants, Certified Engineers
Geodesy & Cartography
Geodetic base network
Location network
Permanent GNSS station
Elevation network
Gravimetric network
Topographic maps
Medium-scale topographic map
Base map of public needs
Large scale map
Small-scale topographic maps
Geodesy Engineer
Road surveying
Railway surveying
Network surveying /electricity, communication, heating, cleaning, sewerage, flood water, cable/
Geographical name
Geographical name dictionary
Geographical name map
Clarification of old geographical names
Clarification of old geographical names
Geographical name board
Orders and decisions
Board meeting
Map and atlas
Thematic map
Base map
Address information
Address map
Addressing sequence
Geodetic Metrology Laboratory
Equipment registration
Equipment verification
Equipment maintenance
Measurement polygons
Online systems
Geodetic points database
Conversion between coordinates
Equipment registration system
"MONPOS" GNSS - online processing system
Demarcation of state borders
Border inspection and mapping of Mongolia and China
Border inspection and mapping of Mongolia and Russia
Templates and form
Required documents
Licensed entity
Human resources
Doctors, Professors, Consultants, Certified Engineers
Non-staff professional board
Composition of the non-staff professional board on geodesy and cartography
News of the professional board meeting
Valid Legal documents in the sector
Laws and regulations
Norms and rules
Geo Spatial services
State archives
Geodesy and topographic map database
Land management database
Aerial and satellite imagery database
Cadastral database
Organizational archives database
Spatial data infrastructure
Legal and policy environment
Spatial information
The matter of the right to use spatial information
What is the right to use
List of services
Service tariffs
Open data
Spatial data
Report and research
International development trends
The UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information
Sustainable Development Goals 2030
From foreign country experience
online service
Base spatial information service
Published products and services
Online exhibition
Online systems
Land management
Integrated National Land management system
Agriculture area
Towns, villages and other settlements
Road and network area
Forest area
Water area
Special needs area
Land management planning
Conformity assessment
Needs assessment
General National Land Management plan
Land Management General plan of the Aimag and capital city
A year Land Management plan of the Capital city and district
General Soum Development plan
Base research and monitoring
Land condition and quality control
Land monitoring network
Land protection and rehabilitation work
Land cadastre
Land rights registration
Land fees and taxes
Land exchange
Land valuation
State owned lands
Land ownership process
Border line
State border
Border defining function of administrative and territorial units
Boundaries of fourth administrative unit
Border line dispute
Relevant methods and procedures
Land Reform Committee
National Land Reform Committee meeting
Online systems
Land monitoring system
Land Planning system
Geology and environmental database
Land cadastre system
Conducting land management activities
Conducting monitoring of land condition and quality, land reclamation
Conducting cadastral activities
Human resource capacity
Certified engineering degree training
Land manager - Cadastre
Land valuation
Doctors, Professors, Consultants, Certified Engineers
For Citizens
Land for Family needs
Let's pay land fees and taxes
Let's make a cadastral map
My participation
Templates and forms
Urban development
Urban development
Chief architect of aimags, capital city and cities
Urban development research
Urban redevelopment
Local urban development office
City planning
General city development plan
General Population and Settlement Development Project
Partial general plan
Licensing of urban development documents
Licensing of urban development documents
Integrated National Database for Urban Development
Integrated National Database for Urban Development
Norms and normative documents
Human resource capacity
Doctors, Professors, Consultants, Certified Engineers
Doctors, Professors, Consultants, Certified Engineers
Geodesy & Cartography
Geodetic base network
Location network
Permanent GNSS station
Elevation network
Gravimetric network
Topographic maps
Medium-scale topographic map
Base map of public needs
Large scale map
Small-scale topographic maps
Geodesy Engineer
Road surveying
Railway surveying
Network surveying /electricity, communication, heating, cleaning, sewerage, flood water, cable/
Geographical name
Geographical name dictionary
Geographical name map
Clarification of old geographical names
Clarification of old geographical names
Geographical name board
Orders and decisions
Board meeting
Map and atlas
Thematic map
Base map
Address information
Address map
Addressing sequence
Geodetic Metrology Laboratory
Equipment registration
Equipment verification
Equipment maintenance
Measurement polygons
Online systems
Geodetic points database
Conversion between coordinates
Equipment registration system
"MONPOS" GNSS - online processing system
Demarcation of state borders
Border inspection and mapping of Mongolia and China
Border inspection and mapping of Mongolia and Russia
Templates and form
Required documents
Licensed entity
Human resources
Doctors, Professors, Consultants, Certified Engineers
Non-staff professional board
Composition of the non-staff professional board on geodesy and cartography
News of the professional board meeting
Valid Legal documents in the sector
Laws and regulations
Norms and rules
Geo Spatial services
State archives
Geodesy and topographic map database
Land management database
Aerial and satellite imagery database
Cadastral database
Organizational archives database
Spatial data infrastructure
Legal and policy environment
Spatial information
The matter of the right to use spatial information
What is the right to use
List of services
Service tariffs
Open data
Spatial data
Report and research
International development trends
The UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information
Sustainable Development Goals 2030
From foreign country experience
online service
Base spatial information service
Published products and services
Online exhibition
Online systems
Domestic cooperation
Land Reform Committee
Private sector
Education and science
Non Governmental Organization
Other government organizations
International cooperation
United Nations
Development program /UNDP/
Food and agricultural organization of UN /FAO/
Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management
Швейцарын хөгжлийн агентлаг
Олон улсын хэмжил, зураглаачдын холбоо
Projects and programs
Investment projects
International projects
Volunteer work
Discussions and conference
Science and Technology Board
Structure and composition
Subjects discussed
Non-staff professional board
Geodesy and cartography
Land management
Spatial information technology
Board regulations
About us
Organizational structure
Historical path
Introduction of the leaders
Director general
Head of Land Administration, Construction and Urban Development Office at Aimag
Head of Land Management Office at Capital City
Department and Divisions
Department of Public Administration and Cooperation
Geodesy and Cartography division
Land management division
Land Monitoring division
Spatial information and technology division
Cadastre division
Urban Development division
Urban Development cadastre division
Archive and information center
Finance and Economic relation Development
Branch organizations
Legal documents
Хүний нөөциийн ил тод байдал
Үйл ажиллагааны ил тод байдал
Үйл ажиллагааны тайлан
Үйл ажиллагааны төлөвлөгөө
Тогтоол шийдвэрийн биелэлт
Хуулийн хэрэгжилт, үр нөлөө
Авлигатай тэмцэх үйл ажиллагаа
Сул орон тоо, нээлттэй ажлын байр
Жендерийн эрх тэгш байдлыг хангах
Худалдан авах ажиллагааны төлөвлөгөө
Тендерийн урилга
Тендерийн гомдол, шийдвэрлэлт
Report, research
Шилэн данс
Сагс {{ details.total_quantity || 0 }}
Газар зохион байгуулалт
2020 онд иргэнд өмчлүүлэх газар
Газар зохион байгуулалт
Геодезийн хэмжил, зураглал
Зураг зүй
Газар зохион байгуулалт
Газрын хянан баталгаа
Архивын үнэт өв
Түүхэн газрын зураг
Орон зайн мэдээллийн технологи
Газрын кадастр
Газрын үнэлгээ
Хот төлөвлөлт, байгуулалт
Түгээмэл асуулт, хариулт
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© 2025. General agency for land administration and management, geodesy and cartography.